Project 15...... Accident Identification and Alerting Project

The rise in population means that the vehicle usage factor has also risen rapidly among other factors. This leads to more chances of accidents occurring on highway roads due to unbearable traffic, rash driving, driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages or other less important but still crucial factors. An accident in such cases becomes inevitable but human lives can be saved if proper medical aid is supplied instantly at the right time. However, in most cases it is difficult for ambulances to reach the accident time on time mostly because of excess traffic. This is why it is necessary to develop and install systems that in accident cases are triggered promptly to alert hospitals as well as the injured person’s family members so that they can rush him to the hospital immediately.
It is quite clear from the above description that a high demand for automobiles means dealing with more and more traffic hazards such as road accidents. The greater the accident, the greater the chance of serious consequences leading to death of the people involved. Every human life is precious on this Earth which is why an intelligent system is essential to see to it that an ambulance reaches the person on time and reaches the hospital without further delays. Engineers have given a lot of thought on this particular subject and presented the world with extensive amounts of research papers that would lead to the innovation of devices, fulfilling the emergency voids that we face and providing people with the best emergency facilities possible.
One such scheme is known as the Intelligent Transportation System with the main purpose of saving living by rushing ambulances to nearby medical centers on time. These systems are smartly programmed to arrange a smooth journey for emergency vehicles by minimizing the delay that is caused by overcrowding automobiles. It makes use of a radio-frequency signal to automatically turn the green light on any traffic signal that comes in the path of the ambulance and also sends the location where the accident occurred to the main server. This way, the nearest ambulance zone is located and notified about the accident spot so that medical aid can reach that particular place just in time to save a man’s life.
This method of identifying accidents and alerting the authorities about it has proved to be most helpful and its efficiency and reliability has made it quite an it final year project among engineering students especially students specializing in telecommunications. In order for the system to work, the vehicle of the user is integrated with a RF transmitter interconnected with a vibration sensor, a microcontroller, a RF encoder and a few other components. However, the system would not function until a RF receiver is present in every existing control room. In case an accident occurs, the sensor present in the circuit will detect and identify the situation and send the data as an output to the awaiting microcontroller. The microcontroller detects the change and manipulates the RF transmitter to transmit a signal wave to the expecting RF receiver in the closest control room. The RF receiver interprets the information that arrives and displays it via a LCD screen which alerts the person sitting behind the screen to take immediate action i.e. to send medical help to the accident spot. The control unit where the signal is first received besides alerting the people in charge also provides information of the shortest routes that would make the ambulance’s journey to the injured subjects the fastest. At the same time, the control unit system also controls the traffic lights present on the ambulance’s designated route turning the red lights to green.
Time plays a critically important role in that they determine the safety of an injured person meaning that a well-timed identification and alerting of the disaster leads to timely arrival of medical help and vice versa. Every second at the moments when an accident takes place is precious as it can decide the fate of the person. Another accurate and common technique is the incorporation of GPS and GSM modules in vehicles that detect accidents and alert nearby medical centers through cell phones. All systems can be improved furthermore if wireless webcams were installed that could capture images and assist the driver in an easier location of the place where the accident occurs.