What are some good computer science final year project ideas?

The answering the same question to a friend of mine yesterday. The answer was, we have no idea what you would do. It is not a project, instead it is a test of yours. A test of your capabilities, experience and efficiency in the field. 

But, I (and a few other experts; I am no expert) can surely guide you to select a project for your final year project. First of all, think of what languages you learnt in your course. Most universities prefer C++ over Java while teaching Object-oriented programming. Some universities teach MySQL and some prefer Microsoft's SQL Server. Some prefer ASP.NET's MVC framework, whereas some prefer teaching Web Forms.

So, it all depends on what you have actually learnt in your course. Computer science is not about making money by providing enterprise level applications. Instead it is actually about learning how computer works. What are requirements, and how an instruction actually gets executed. Your instructor needs to know whether you are capable of what you have learnt, did you get all the points, do you know how to apply that knowledge to real-life. That is all.

Now, consider this. 

  1. What did you learn?
    What is a web application, desktop, console or a simple command-line project?
  2. What language was used?
    Like already mentioned, most universities prefer C++ over Java, some may teach you C#. Consider them as a must option to be taken under consideration!
  3. Databases or simple text files?
    Data sources are not only databases, but text files, HTTP resources and much more. Depends on what you learnt back in your course.
Your final project is hidden somewhere in between this. Start by joining the threads for "What did you learn" with "What language was used" and finally establish a good connection with "Databases or simple text files (data source)". This would give you an idea of where to start and where to go.

Remember, most of the times people end up creating a Java application backed up by a MySQL database. Easy, free and already done! Just get started and make something up. This is not your doctorate thesis, so you don't actually have to worry about your teacher asking for something 100% new.

But rememberPlagiarism is not a good thing. Avoid it as much as you can, this project would tell you what you are and where you stand in field of computer! Good luck. :-)

Also that engineering college final year,I can give you a step-by-step guide on how to make a "marks-getting" final year project in computer science.
Step 1:
Search for a computer science research paper on google and make sure it must containheavy words,such as "Anthropomorphic Bias",Baysian Stimulation . Make sure you have little understanding of it ,but not all.Let's call it X
Step 2:
Find a working project basically code that has a beautiful GUI. It may or may not be related to X. It should  not be as  simple as railway management system.No!!! .Something of higher degree .More complicated.Let's call it Y
Step 3:
Most difficult step,relate X to Y in partial convincing way.Not totally convincing but partially.
Step 4 :
Laugh your ass out while explaining it to mentors and supervisors.
On a serious note:
Major project even in good colleges is not taken seriously,so how can we take it seriously.The whole point is documentation not the project,you get barely 5 min to explain the whole thing you did in 6 months.
Marks are given on the basis of how well the documentation or how well the supervisor knows the student.

It depends upon what kind of project you want to build. What is the language in which you want to use. u should be able to build the program that uses minimum resources and least time for execution.
if you want to try, here is the list:

  1. Automated Robot for Military System (ARMS)Unique ID (UID) Management System Project
  2. Online Voting Using Bluetooth Enabled Mobile Phone
  3. Wi-Fi Based Mobile Quiz
  4. Inter-Operability of 802.11e and 802.11
  5. Semi-Supervised Learning using Graph Kernels
  6. Gram-Based Fuzzy Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing
  7. Battery Optimizer for Android Mobile Devices
  8. Visual Tracking Using Spare Appearance Model
  9. Sockets Programming in Python –Building a Python Chat Server
  10. Security Issue of Cloud Based Storage
  11. Pre Touch Sensing with Sea Shell Effect
  12. Efficient Peer to Peer Similarity Query Processing for High dimensional Data
  13. CALTOOL Computer Aided Learning Tool
  14. XTC Algorithm Based Scalable Wireless Ad hoc Networking IEEE
  15. Honey Pots a Security System to Identify Black Hat Community in the Networks
  16. Elevator Control System
  17. Web-Based Online Library System
  18. Efficient Coding Technique for Aerospace Tele Command System
  19. Microcontroller -Based Security System using Sonar
  20. Tanrox Work Force
  21. Imitation Learning in Humanoid Robots
  22. Privacy Preserving Data Sharing with Anonymous ID Assignment
  23. SORT- a Self-Organizing Trust Model for Peer-to-Peer Systems
  24. Information Flow in Bargaining Scenarios
  25. Simulation and Exploration of Hybrid Systems via Automata
  26. Combining Kinect and Stereo Depth Measurements
  27. Band-Aids for Broken Microprocessors
  28. North East West South Global Unified Reporting Utility (NEWSGURU)
  29. Mobile Apps in the K-12 Classroom
  30. Diagnosing Computer Bugs Using Big Data
  31. A Railway Anti-collision System with Phis Plate Removal Sensing and Auto Track Changing
  32. A Reverse Engineering Approach for Converting Conventional Turbo C Code to 64bit C#
  33. Debugging Grids with Machine Learning Techniques
  34. SMASH-Scalable Multimedia Content Analysis in a High-level Language
  35. The Design and Implementation of a Consolidated Middle Box Architecture
  36. Automated Low-Level Analysis and Description of Diverse Intelligent Videos (ALADDIN)
  37. 3D Mobile Game Engine Development Software Project
  38. Coaching Management Software
  39. Bug Tracking System
  40. Development of a Feature-Rich Practical Online Leave Management System (LMS)
  41. Design and Development of Speed Cash System (SCS)
  42. Multi-Million Dollar Maintenance Using WLS Algorithms
  43. DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) Using Throttle Algorithm
  44. File System Simulation
  45. Firstly, read this Sameer Thigale's answer to What are the hot topics for projects a final year student can do?.
    No project/domain is best. Just go with the field that interests you (and your guide) and have knowledge of.

    Finally, I can suggest domains and not projects:
      1. Networking And Information System Security

      2. Wireless & Mobile Based Communication and Applications

      3. Intelligent System, AI / Expert System / Pattern Recognition / Multimedia

      4. Communication System / VLSI / Embedded Technologies

      5. System Applications / Storage And Database

      6. Digital Signal Processing / Speech Processing / Image Processing

    Write a ray tracer. You can get a decent first result with only a few hundred lines of code, but it's a very interesting and deep problem that you can keep working on and extending for years. The problem is also simple enough that you can probably figure it out from first principles, without having to know much domain-specific knowledge about physics or optics (although as you get deeper into it, that knowledge will probably help). It will also help you understand how to optimize for performance, give you an opportunity to learn how to performance profile, and give you a perfect problem to get started with parallelism.

     Features to add, in (roughly) implementation order:
    1. Point lights, spheres, planes
    2. Shadows
    3. Reflections
    4. Supersampling / AA
    5. Adaptive supersampling
    6. Multi-threading
    7. Area lights
    8. Refraction
    9. An acceleration structure or two - BVH, kdtrees, voxels
    10. Other shapes - boxes, cylinders, conic sections, polynomials, solids of revolution
    11. Constructive solid geometry shapes
    12. Triangle meshes
    13. Splines / spline patches
    14. Bidirectional reflectance distribution functions
    15. Depth of field
    16. Aperture shapes
    17. Path tracing
    18. Bidirectional path tracing
    19. Multiple importance sampling
    20. Metropolis light transport

    The List of the projects is as follows:
    1. Automated Robot for Military System (ARMS)
    2. Unique ID (UID) Management System Project
    3. Online Voting Using Bluetooth Enabled Mobile Phone
    4. Wi-Fi Based Mobile Quiz
    5. Inter-Operability of 802.11e and 802.11
    6. Semi-Supervised Learning using Graph Kernels
    7. Gram-Based Fuzzy Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing
    8. Battery Optimizer for Android Mobile Devices
    9. Visual Tracking Using Spare Appearance Model
    10. Sockets Programming in Python –Building a Python Chat Server
    11. Security Issue of Cloud Based Storage
    12. Pre Touch Sensing with Sea Shell Effect
    13. Efficient Peer to Peer Similarity Query Processing for High dimensional Data
    14. CALTOOL Computer Aided Learning Tool
    15. XTC Algorithm Based Scalable Wireless Ad hoc Networking IEEE
    16. Honey Pots a Security System to Identify Black Hat Community in the Networks
    17. Elevator Control System
    18. Web-Based Online Library System
    19. Efficient Coding Technique for Aerospace Tele Command System
    20. Microcontroller-Based Security System using Sonar
    21. Tanrox Work Force
    22. SPIRIT –Spontaneous Information and Resource Sharing
    23. Software Engineering of Scientific Software
    24. Energy & Power Efficient, Real Time System Scheduling
    25. Data-Efficient Robot Reinforcement Learning
    26. Gaussian Processes for Bayesian State Estimation
    27. Imitation Learning in Humanoid Robots
    28. Privacy Preserving Data Sharing with Anonymous ID Assignment
    29. SORT- a Self-Organizing Trust Model for Peer-to-Peer Systems
    30. Information Flow in Bargaining Scenarios
    31. Simulation and Exploration of Hybrid Systems via Automata
    32. Combining Kinect and Stereo Depth Measurements
    33. Band-Aids for Broken Microprocessors
    34. North East West South Global Unified Reporting Utility (NEWSGURU)
    35. Mobile Apps in the K-12 Classroom
    36. Diagnosing Computer Bugs Using Big Data
    37. A Railway Anti-collision System with Phis Plate Removal Sensing and Auto Track Changing
    38. A Reverse Engineering Approach for Converting Conventional Turbo C Code to 64bit C#
    39. Debugging Grids with Machine Learning Techniques
    40. SMASH-Scalable Multimedia Content Analysis in a High-level Language
    41. The Design and Implementation of a Consolidated Middle Box Architecture
    42. Automated Low-Level Analysis and Description of Diverse Intelligent Videos (ALADDIN)
    43. 3D Mobile Game Engine Development Software Project
    44. Coaching Management Software
    45. Bug Tracking System
    46. Development of a Feature-Rich Practical Online Leave Management System (LMS)
    47. Design and Development of Speed Cash System (SCS)
    48. Multi-Million Dollar Maintenance Using WLS Algorithms
    49. DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) Using Throttle Algorithm
    50. File System Simulation
    All of these projects in the above list are the latest titled projects, and thus represent latest titles for the latest computer science projects that are widely implemented by the researchers and professionals.