Vehicle tracking by GPS and GSM:
This article is written on the project which you may take for your final year project. As the topic of the project that is vehicle tracking by gps and gsm is very interesting. We can also explore on it. We can get so much information for this topic. As you can easily make this topic as your MS thesis. Basically in this project our main aim is to track the vehicles with the help of gps and gsm. Basically the gsm and gps are used to locate or track the system which can provide the fast mapping of that vehicle. As gps system tells us that where our vehicle is at that time and at how much time it can be there. This all is done through the help of global position satellites.
The whole system has the system in which it has the gps receiver and the modem of gsm. The whole vehicle tracking system sets up in our devices and then we are able to detect that vehicle. As gsm stands for global system of mobile communication. As 80 percent gsm is used in the mobile everything has its specifications and the characteristics for the gsm. It has the band of frequency, it has wide frequency range. Its range starts from 1850 and ends to 1900 has the mobile station to the station of base. It also have the duplex distance. Its duplex distance is of the 80 MHz as there are two types of frequencies. One is called the uplink frequency and other one is the downlink frequency. So the distance between the uplink frequency and downlink frequency is basically called the duplex.
The total channel has two frequencies. It also has separation of channels. There is basically the separation of channels. In it the separation is taken as 200 KHz of gsm modem. There is also the technique of modulation. In modulation, it is the process of sending and receiving the signals by which we can change the all characteristics of the frequency carrier. All of this modulation is done through the shift keying. It also have abbreviation which is used for this method. GMSK is the name of technique which is used in the modulation. GMSK stand for Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying. The whole process is also has the rate of transmission.
In this system, here is the rate 270kbps. It is a whole digital system which has the following transmission rate which I described above. In all of this project which we form has many applications and advantages. This system has the many applications in the many things. It is used in the recovery of stolen vehicle. It is also used in the management of service of field. This system is also used in the delivery of food and this system is also used by the car rental of companies. All of this process has many advantages. The most popular advantage is that it gives us the more security than the other system.