Project 4.......Cloud Based Career Guidance System:


        Cloud Based Career Guidance               System:

        In order to achieve a certain goal           one has to opt for a career that               him to his goal. Career is a very            important aspect of one’s life. His            whole life including the life of his            family depends on it. Therefore it is        a matter that needs to be                        discussed thoroughly with people            or professionals in order to choose        the right direction in life. For                   anyone to have a successful career       he needs to choose the a field that         he or she is interested in or have          good skills in. without having the            right skills in the chosen field one            can never excel in his field or may          never feel contended with his job.
    The path of choosing the right career       starts at a very early stage of                 schooling. Often ignored by the             patients or students they chose             subjects that are not of their interest       but has a great market value and 

     later feel guilty about their choice.          Therefore, at every stage during             student life a person should 
     concern a professional or a person        with great experience if he is going in       the appropriate direction. Most of           the time students want to ask for             advice(s) from professionals but do       not get the right platform to discuss       this matter with them. To meet this         need of all the students around the         globe various career guidance 
      system are designed in order to              provide the students and                        professionals a common ground to        discuss their skills, interests, ideas          and problems that are faced by               many people nowadays. Online              career guidance system can be             designed using Azure based cloud           infrastructure.
          This system will assist the                    students who are looking for                    various career opportunities.                       Systems            be designed for students at various level like high school, college, university and even after the end of their education when they are out in their professional life. The online portal will have various fields available for the students to choose after the completion of their education in respective levels from where they can choose the appropriate field in which they are interested in or have good skills in. furthermore, the system will descried each field and will discuss the required skills and education needed, for the students to choose it as their profession. Further it will list down all the schools, colleges and universities that offer the associated course which will also describe the ranking of each college among all the colleges. The system has to provide service to a large set of students therefore it needs to be efficient and effective. Cloud infrastructure can be used to hold all the data sine it is a safe and easy approach. The system can have interface for the users to give online test in order to apply at different educational institutes. It can be a series of test instead of a single test in order to thoroughly judge the calibre of student. After the test(s) the score is calculated for each student and based on those results the professionals can guide the student if he or she is appropriate for the field chosen. The system also consists of an admin module to maintain all the data and activities in the system.